Netherlands: The Country With No Criminals or Prison Overcrowding
The only country where there are no criminals, then who are punished in jails? Know everything!
Do you know about any country where there are no jails? You might be surprised to hear this, but this is true. There is a country in the world where there are no jails. Then how do the criminals get punished? Know everything…
There are many countries around the world where it is not safe to go. In some of these countries, terrorists are in power, while in some places, robbery and murder are common due to poverty and hunger. In such a situation, the police also have to be very alert. But do you know about any country where there are neither any criminals nor any jails? You might be surprised to hear that is there really any place or country on earth where crime does not happen? In such a situation, let us tell you that there is one such country in Europe. This country is also in the news in the Olympics. Till the time of writing the news, a total of 19 medals have been won in the Olympics, out of which 8 are gold medals.
Now you must be wondering what is the name of that country? Let us tell you that this country is Netherlands, where there are no criminals. In the year 2013, there used to be 19 prisoners here, but by 2018 the jails became deserted. In such a situation, this European country had soon decided to close its jails as a result of the reduction in the crime rate. But a problem started arising in this too. That is, what will happen to the employees working in the jail? According to a report published in 2016 by Telegraph UK, the Dutch Ministry of Justice had suggested that the total crime rate would fall by 0.9 percent per year in the next five years. In such a situation, it is appropriate to close the jails.
But then questions also started coming up that closing the jails means about 2 thousand people will lose their jobs. Only 700 of them can be transferred to other government roles. In 2018, the issue of empty prisons had reached such an extent that in 2017, the Netherlands had to bring prisoners from Norway to keep its prisons full and the system running. Although there are still prisons in the Netherlands, the number of prisoners is very less. Most of the prisoners are from foreign countries. Ankle monitoring system is used to monitor them. At the same time, people serving sentences are given the opportunity to read and write as well as work in the open.
What is ankle monitoring system?
Ankle monitoring system is a device that is required to be worn at all times by people under house arrest or prisoners in jails. Through this, prisoners have to stay within a fixed limit. If they try to go out somewhere, the radio frequency signal installed in the ankle monitoring system immediately informs the police about it. Not only this, the ankle monitoring system has been able to reduce the rate of recidivism by convicted criminals by more than half as compared to traditional imprisonment in the country. So instead of making prisoners sit all day, they are asked to work and can be brought back into the system.